Please click on the link below to access the online referral form:
Request for assistance | NHS Fife
- Podiatrists assess and treat problems of the foot and lower limb
- Our service aims to promote good foot health in Fife and support individuals to maintain mobility and independence
- The NHS Fife Podiatry Service does not provide a nail cutting service.
If you are a Fife resident you can self-refer to the podiatry service for advice without seeing your GP or other health care professional.
Download the form
What happens next?
Podiatrists assess and treat problems of the foot and lower limb. Our service aims to promote good foot health in Fife and support individuals to maintain mobility and independence. Your referral will lead to an initial conversation either on the telephone or face to face with a podiatrist.
We will want to talk about the following
- How what you have, is impacting your day to day life
- Anything you have done to try and make it better
- What you feel would improve the situation
- What you are hoping podiatry can help you achieve.
The conversation may lead to you being:
Where you may be directed to services out with podiatry that would be more appropriate to offer you help.
Offered reassurance
You may be offered reassurance that what you have is nothing that requires treatment from podiatry and that everything that should be done is being done.
Offered advice/Education
You may receive information, resources or advice about how to help yourself to manage what you have or to help you to prepare for the measures that you are likely to need to put in place to achieve your personal goals and outcome.
Offered an assessment
You will be given an appointment with a podiatrist for face to face assessment. This may lead to you being offered a course of treatment that will be tailored to your particular needs and which you will have a central role in planning and carrying out.